• 02 9427 6425Mon-Fri 8.30am - 4pm
  • support@sydneycs.org

General – news

New Community Coordinator at Hunters Hill Hub

Congratulations goes to Rosemary Liu who has taken the role of Community Coordinator at our Hunters Hill Hub. Rosemary is already a familiar face at the Hunters Hill Hub, having initially joined in a Carer Support role in 2010. She went on to launch the Flexible Respite service and later managed the One-on-One Aged and [...]

2021-11-30T15:16:18+11:00General - news|

November 2021 CEO update

I remember that this time last year we were all celebrating the end of a horrible year and thinking that surely 2021 would be better. How wrong we were. At least we had already endured the first act so the second act was certainly more familiar. Masks and sanitiser still dominate our lives at work, [...]

2021-11-30T15:09:42+11:00General - news|

Back on Instagram for #childhooddementia

With some spare time on our hands, we used the lockdown to revive our Instagram account and support #childhooddementia. In the last few weeks, some of our team here at Sydney Community Services took part in #faceit - the day when we shine a light on #childhooddementia. The task was simple: paint your face and show your [...]

2021-10-28T10:48:30+11:00General - news|

Three new board members join Sydney Community Services

Sydney Community Services has appointed three new board directors. Alexandra Meldrum is a professional engineer and economist with broad experience. She has 25 years’ management experience in government, industry, universities, and not-for-profit organisations, working for the likes of Nestle, Shell, Lifeline, AGSM UNSW, Department of Industry and NSW Treasury. Alexandra brings expertise in strategy, transformation, [...]

2021-10-28T10:30:14+11:00General - news|

Different Degrees presents Imaginarium

Different Degrees is a group of performing artists, supported by Sydney Community Services and Lane Cove Council. Members of the group have worked together since it was founded in 2013. The group has been working on a performance called Imaginarium for the past two years and was preparing to bring it to the stage at [...]

2021-10-05T10:55:00+11:00General - news|

COVID-19 vaccination assistance and help

If you would like any information about how we can support you to get the COVID-19 vaccination, please do not hesitate to contact us on 8598 7051 or drop us a line at support@sydneycs.org. Across our country, everyone over the age of 16 and many people over the age of 12 are now eligible for [...]

2021-09-14T12:26:17+10:00General - news|

Community profile: Helen Heggie

Helen Heggie sold her massively successful business in 2009, completed a Diploma in Community Services, and put her skills, gregarious nature and infectious laugh to use as Activities Co-Ordinator for Sydney Community Services. She graciously took part in our Q&A... You're a Gladesville local. How long have you lived there? I was born in Gladesville [...]

2021-09-07T15:24:22+10:00General - news|

Thank you Bunnings Gladesville

SCS would like to say a massive thank you to Bunnings Gladesville for the donation of $400-worth of PPE including hand sanitiser and disposable gloves. All of this will be used by our Nurses and Support Workers who continue to provide a constant, caring service to seniors, those living with disabilities and the disadvantaged in [...]

2021-09-07T14:47:02+10:00General - news|

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