Jimmy is a frequent participant at the SCS social and recreational groups at the Hunters Hill Community Hub. To show his appreciation for the service, he returns to the Hub throughout the week to undertake some gardening, assisted by one of the support officers. He is a familiar face to all at the Hub and he shares refreshments and jovial chats whenever he’s around.

“That’s what this gardening is about,” Jimmy says. “It’s about giving and contributing to this place because I love social groups so much.”

Despite suffering a brain tumour when he was eight years old, Jimmy hasn’t let his disabilities hold him back. He is an excellent gardener and has the pink azaleas at the front of the Hub blooming. Jimmy has gained great gardening experience as, prior to COVID-19 when the horticulturists, volunteers and staff worked together on the Community Hub gardens, Jimmy was one of the keenest volunteer gardeners.

“The people here are really caring. They really want to know how you’re going, and whether you’ve been good, which is hard for me!” he jokes.

SCS Disability Services Coordinator, Gaynor Starkey, coordinates the Disability Group Services, alongside Amanda Zhong who is the activities coordinator. Gaynor organises many groups including the art and walking groups, who enjoy many outings together.

Participants with mild to moderate disability who are 18 years or older are welcome.

As well as Mondays and Fridays at SCS, Jimmy, who lives independently near the Sydney Harbour Bridge, likes walking across the bridge, and taking himself to the gym or Pilates classes in North Sydney.

“I just want the garden here looking really nice, as good as I can, for the seniors and everyone that comes here and works here at the Community Hub. I have put in roses that I’ve found, called ‘Heart of Gold’ – they’re like Gaynor – she has a heart of gold.”

See more about our disability services for social engagement and participation here.

SCS’ disability services including client  independence services are found  here.