Australia’s National Standards for Disability Services

Australia’s National Standards for Disability Services drive, promote and promulgate the rights of persons with disabilities, whilst upholding a nationally consistent approach to service quality improvement. Importantly, Australia’s Disability Standards are not static but rather are continuously revised to reflect current societal standards, service models and philosophies and as such in recent years there has been a major shift towards person centered service delivery and individualized supports.

People with Disability in Australia

According to ABS data over 4 million Australians have a disability (1 in 5) and  the likelihood of living with a disability increases with age. Half of all Australians over 65 years live with a disability, compared with 12.5% of persons under 65.  That means that people with a disability form a significant proportion of Australian society, and our democratic nature stresses the importance of hearing their voices, adhering to their rights and meeting the needs of all people.

What is the Sydney Community Services (SCS) approach to Australian Disability Service Standards?

SCS’ growing disability program is dedicated to ensuring that adults with disabilities are provided with person-centered and meaningful programs.  These assist our clients via the provision of as many or as few supports as they need to stay independent and to actively participate in our local wonderful community.

In order to safeguard the inclusion, empowerment, respect and acknowledgement of the diversity of our clients with disabilities SCS has recently reviewed its approach to Australia’s Disability Service Standards. Our Organisation is dedicated to ensuring that every person who uses our services is afforded the same legal and human rights as the rest of the community. Our Policies and Procedures have been updated to take into account the special consideration particularly vulnerable groups such as women with disabilities.   These are considered to be amongst the most marginalized and at risk people in our society due to discrimination, stigma and disadvantage.

SCS’ Statement of Principles regarding participation and inclusion has also been updated to include explicit statements asserting that that everyone using our services develops and maintains skills  to lead the lifestyle they choose. SCS also works to ensure that all aspects of our services recognize and promote the individual, their potential, abilities, competencies and contributions.

The review of our approach to Australia’s Disability Standards was undertaken with the goal of ensuring that our services are of the highest possible quality.  This is key to our mission to enhance the quality of life of all people, and especially those with disabilities in our community.

SCS is committed to ensuring all our clients are actively involved in the development and review of our services. Should you wish to understand more about our disability services or our approach to disability supports please speak with our friendly staff in our Lane Cove or Hunters Hill offices.

Download the  SCS Disability Standards