Many people cannot fully or safely access their gardens without help. Our gardening services improve safety and access in gardens in homes of approved clients.
The services are primarily for function and safety rather than aesthetics, but we also provide horticultural advice. Work is discussed with clients before being undertaken by a gardening team of volunteers who are led by qualified horticulturalists.
Who is it for?
Our service is available for elderly or disabled residents in Hunters Hill, Willoughby, Lane Cove, Mosman and North Sydney council areas.
With around 100 new client enquiries every year, demand for the service often exceeds capacity, so clients are prioritised by need and ability to obtain alternative assistance.
Our gardening service includes an assessment of your garden by a qualified horticulturist. They will discuss safety, access and maintenance issues relating to your garden and the work required to resolve them. A scheduled, agreed time for the work will then be arranged. Most gardens have a scheduled visit every six months.
Services include:
- Pruning small, low-hanging tree branches that impede access (safety conditions apply)
- Targeted weed removal
- Apply mulch (client to source mulch – conditions apply)
- Raking to ensure clear access
- Disposal of green waste in council recycling bin
- Horticultural advice
- Maximum time is four hours
Services DO NOT include:
- Mowing
- Lawn edging
- Pruning of large trees or tree branches
- Installation of plants
- Working on ladders
- Removal of green waste from your garden to the tip
Contact us and speak with one of our Coordinators to learn more about the service offered, the cost involved, and the funding option that best suits you.
P | 9427 6425 E |
Areas serviced
Lane Cove Area | North Sydney Area | Mosman Area |
Willoughby Area | Hunters Hill Area |
How can we help?
If you have any questions please contact our Home Modifications and Maintenance Coordinator:

Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain