Living under lockdown is hard for us all, and yet it is extraordinarily heartening to see how our community is findings ways to remain connected and even create new connections. In my 5km radius an ever-growing movement is underway, Spoonville, Forkville and Rockville have been established while happiness trees have also seemly grown overnight throughout the neighbourhood. These are such great symbols of positivity and community.
It’s vital to focus on the positives right now. Here at Sydney Community Services, we are grateful to have found plenty of positive news in what has been a hard month for us all.
Most importantly, 98% of our staff received their first jab and 75% our staff are now double vaccinated – not just our nurses and support staff but also those keeping the engines running in the office. It is such a relief to know that we can continue to serve the community safely.
Our services are keeping up with demand well – nursing, home delivered meals, in home respite and assistance, linen service, gardening and home maintenance are still operating in person, with the meticulous infection control measures in place.
We know our community misses the more social aspects of our service offering. Our social groups, day trips and the hub activities in Lane Cove, the Meeting House and Hunters Hill Hub unfortunately remain on hold. However, we remain connected virtually. Give us a call or join any of our wonderful Zoom sessions.
In exciting news, for the first time ever, we have created a home delivered wellness and activity book that will keep the mind busy and spirits high. Get in touch if you wish to receive one.
As always, we can’t thank the community enough for its amazing generosity. The Anglican Parish of Hunters Hill transported five carloads of groceries and hygiene products to us, Bunnings Gladesville shared $400-worth of PPE, Ryde District Mums delivered seven large boxes of fresh and non-perishable foods, and local individuals have kept our shelves well stocked and our cupboards brimming with groceries for emergency food packages.
The current lockdown is taking its toll on everyone. All families and individuals are feeling the effects of lockdown in one form or another.
We know in these uncertain times income stability has been greatly affected for many members of our community and financial burdens have increased for those who perhaps have never had to ask for help. Please know that Sydney Community Services is open to people from all walks of life who find themselves in need of help.
Our staff are not only here to provide tangible support such as food packs, energy and water vouchers, but to also help you connect with further support available. All requests for help are treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
You can reach us by calling 9427 6425.
Our CEO, Gill Batt, is on a well-deserved break and will be back soon.